Sewerage Horná Štubňa

Status Name:

NESVADY – Expansion of sewerage and WWTP


Západoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s.
Nábrežie za hydrocentrálou 4, 949 01 Nitra

Construction period

June 2023 – August 2024

Description of objects:

The subject of the contract is the construction of the Work – the expansion of the sewage system and the existing Nesvady WWTP – in the following scope:


– construction of a gravity sewer system with a total length of 21,793.02 m from smooth, full-wall PVC SN8 sewer pipes as follows:

DN300 in length 21,451.59 m

DN400 in length 341.43 m

Revision shafts DN1000 in the number of 571 pcs.,

– construction of 5 pumping stations (ČS6, ČS7, ČS9, ČS10 and ČS11),

– construction of 985.10 m HDPE discharge pipes DN80 and DN100 PN10,

– implementation of 1,378 pieces of DN150 and DN200 SN8 PVC sewer branches with a total length of 9,021.82 m, terminated by a DN400 inspection shaft,

– expansion of the existing Nesvady WWTP for a projected capacity of 7500 EO.


The work contains the following SO and PS:


– SO 101 Sewer network

– SO 102 Sewer branches

– SO 103 pumping stations

– SO 103.1 pumping stations

– SO 103.2 LV connections

– PS 103.1 Machine technology part of PS

– PS 103.2 ASRTP


Waste water treatment plant

– SO-01 Object of mechanical pre-cleaning

– SO-02 Entrance pumping station

– SO-03 Denitrification tanks

– SO-04 Biological reactors

– SO-05 Pumping station for treated wastewater

– SO-06 Sediment trap

– SO-07 Measuring shaft

– SO-09 Sediment drainage facility and sediment pumps

– SO-10 Operating building – reconstruction

– SO-11 Transshipment of drinking water

– SO-12 Well and service water distribution

– SO-13 Connecting pipes

– SO-14 Preparation of territory and demolition

– SO-15 Secondary LV cable distributions

– SO-16 Outdoor lighting

– SO-17 Communications and paved surfaces

– SO-18 Terrain and orchard improvements

– PS-01 Mechanical pre-cleaning and input PS

– PS-02 Biological cleaning and compressed air distribution

– PS-03 PS for treated wastewater

– PS-04 Sediment management

– PS-05 Electrical installation and MaR