Increasing the security of the area against the backwater of the Little Danube and the Klátovský arm from river Váh, 1st stage

General contractor JV TuCon – VÁHOSTAV SK, Klátovské rameno, Leader of JV – TuCon Construction period October 2019 – April 2022 Technology of the construction: The structure is a flood protection work, which dams the flow of the Klátovský arm and deflects it to the new built river basin. The dam consists of reinforced concrete „Closing…

Žilina – Brodno – Extension of the water main

Client Severoslovenské vodárne a kanalizácie, a.s. Žilina Construction period March 2019 – June 2020 Technology of the construction: Extension of the water main in Žilina municipality, Brodno district. Water supply will be connected to the existed water supply in location managed by SeVaK, a.s.. Damaged parts of the existed local water supply will be removed. Executed…

Design and construction of D4 highway and R7 expressway

Promotional video Client Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej Republiky General contractor D4R7 Construction s.r.o. Construction period February 2019 – May 2020 Description of the objects: BO520/SO521 – parallel water pipeline made of ductile cast iron DN1400, PN16 in the length of 816m, with 3 revision and 2 shutter shafts; pipeline is installed in protective reinforced concrete pipe…

Force main of pressure sewage system Presskan in WWTP Piešťany

Client Interest grouping of corporate entities PRESSKAN, 916 22 Podolie 566 General contractor TuCon, a.s. Construction period August 2018 – October 2018 Description of objects: Modification of existing pipeline of pressure sewage system Presskan in WWTP Piešťany for the purpose of reliable operation of newly built sewage system in municipalities Podolie and Očkov Building method: Reconstruction…

Modernisation of D1 – section 12, Exit 90 Humpolec – Exit 104 Větrný Jeníkov

Client TGS Joint Venture, Prague General contractor TuCon, a.s. Construction period July 2018 – December 2018 Technology of construction: Demolition of the original rain water sewer of motorway and building of the new rain water dewatering including shafts, connections, mountain inlets, waterproofing tests and camera inspection. Reconstruction of the rain water sewer in the middle of…

Technical infrastructure of the industrial park in Čadca

Client Municipality of Čadca General contractor Severoslovenské vodárne a kanalizácie, a.s. Construction period September 2018 – April 2019 Description of the objects: BO 01 Extension of the public water main BO 02 Extension of the public sewerage system Technology of construction: Pipelines will be placed parallely in a open trench with vertical walls Executed works: BO…

Production and logistic park Seoyon E-HWA Automotive Slovakia in Čadca

Client Seoyon E-HWA Automotive Slovakia s.r.o. Client Hochtief CZ, a.s., organizačná zložka Slovensko Construction period March 2018 – July 2018 Description of the objects: preparing of the area – earth works Executed works: relocation of the topsoil excavation of the drainage trench exchange of the background layer lime stabilisation of the soil layers – earth…

Agglomeration Valaská – sewerage and WWTP

Client Stredoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s. General Contractor Joint venture Valaská, S – T – H Construction period September 2017 – August 2020 Technology of construction: Construction of the sewerage in the total length of 19 km in villages Valaská and Hronec , reconstruction of existed WWTP Valaská, construction of the WWTP for Hronec municipality. Executed…

Construction of sewerage in agglomeration of the municipalities Podolie and Očkov

Client Municipality of Podolie, M.R. Štefánik 566, Podolie Main Contractor M – SILNICE SK s.r.o. General Builder BRA-VUR, a.s. Construction period September 2017 – January 2019 Object description: SO 01 Gravitational Sewerage SO 02 Building part of pumping stations + pressure pipeline SO 03 Electrical connections LV to pumping stations SO 04 Sewerage connections PS…

Žilina – J. Milca street – Reconstruction of Water Main and Sewerage System

Client Severoslovenské vodárne a kanalizácie, a.s. Main contractor TuCon, a.s. Construction period May 2017 – December 2017 Description of the objects: BO 01 Reconstruction of the water main BO 02 Reconstruction of the sewerage system Realized Works: Trench excavation with installation of trench boxes, installation of sewerage pipeline – fiberglass DN 400, water pipeline HDPE…