Sewer system and WWTP, Miletín

Client Vodohospodářská a obchodní společnost, a.s., Jičín, Czech republic Contractor Pražské silniční a vodohospodářské stavby, a.s., Praha, Czech republic Construction period October 2008 – April 2009 Construction technology: sewer system in open cut Executed works: earth works laying of PVC sewage conduit of DN 300 and 500mm backfilling construction of sewage shafts and house connections in the municipality

System for waste water disposal, Banská Bystrica

Client Stredoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s., Banská Bystrica Superior Contractor Alpine 30 Consortium, Banská Bystrica Construction period September 2006 – December 2009 Structures description: trunk sewer A, reconstruction of collectors AN-1, AO, AO-1, AP construction of new collectors AT, AT3, AT4, AT-V, construction of relieving chambers and pumping stations Construction technology: non-excavation construction technology in the…

Extension of water pipeline, Senec

Client Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s., Bratislava Construction period October 2006 – March 2008 Structures description: delivery conduit DN 300 TVLT, gaugin chamber, outer piping distributions, effluent conduit electric connection LV, gaugin chamber and chlorine room, machinery – and electrotechnological part, water tank 1500 m3 Executed works: construction of delivery conduit into water tank DN 300…

Reconstruction of sewer collector C, Bratislava

Client Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s., Bratislava Construction period January 2007 – July 2007 Structures description: reconstruction of sewer collector DN 1400 Construction technology: creation of starting shafts, cleaning of existing collector from slurry coating, cleaning of the face of collector by water under the pressure, retracting the glassfiber reinforced pipeline DN 1400 into existing profile,…