Tunnel Oshlid, Iceland

Client Vegegardin, Iceland Contractor Joint-Venture ÓSAFL (Company: IPC, Iceland + Marti Contractors Ltd., Switzerland) Construction period August 2008 – August 2009 Objects description: tunnel is a part of the road Óshlið No. 61 between the villages Bolungarvík and Ísafjörður in district Westfjarðar Construction technology:  Excavation works were carried out by using drilling and blasting works,…

Power station Sisimiut, Greenland

Client Greenland Energy Authority , Greenland Superior Contractor ÍSTAK Greenland, Greenland Construction period October 2007 – October 2009 Objects description: access service tunnel to the underground powerhouse underground powerhouse tailrace tunnel main headrace tunnel Construction technology: All underground galleries were excavated by drilling and blasting works, NMT (Norwegian Tunnelling Method). Executed works: driving of access…

Tunnel Bôrik, Slovakia

Client Národná diaľničná spoločnosť,a.s. Bratislava Superior Contractor “IS – Marti Contractors” Consortium Construction period April 2006 – December 2009 Objects description: east portal section west portal section right tunnel tube left tunnel tube escape galleries roadway and pavements in tunnel waste waters discharge drainage waters discharge Construction technology: Tunnel was driven by NATM – (New…

Metro Sofia, Bulgaria

Client Municipality of Sofia, Bulgaria Main Contractor Taisei Corporation, branch Bulgaria Construction period September 2008 – December 2009 Objects description: tunnel boxes rotation shaft connecting with tunnel boxes reinstatement of subway Construction technology: Mechanical excavation, open cut excavation. Executed works: underpinning of metro foundation tunnel boxes concreting cut and cover tunnel – west tunnel tube…

Power station Glendoe Hydro Scheme, Scotland

Client Scottish and Southern Energy plc Superior Contractor Hochtief Glendoe Joint Venture Construction period April 2006 – April 2008 Objects description: main access tunnel tailrace tunnel adit tunnel underground powerhouse headrace tunnels Construction technology: Tunnel was driven by using drilling and blasting works, by NMT (Norwegian Tunnelling Method). Executed works: driving of the main access…

Tunnel Horelica, Slovakia

Client Slovenská správa ciest, Investorský útvar Žilina Construction period September 2003 – May 2004 Structures description: Exploration gallery – escape corridor of the site Motorway I/11 Čadca – town bypass, part Bukov – Horelica Completed structures: SO 206-12 Exploration gallery – escape corridor Exploration gallery – escape corridor with main cross-section profile of 13 m2,…

Power station Kárahjúkar II., Iceland

Client Landsvirkjun (National Power Company), Iceland Superior Contractor IMPREGILO S.p.A. Iceland Branch Construction period March 2005 – June 2006 Objects description: company executed excavation works at construction of feeders from dam to the underground hydroelectric power station Kárahjúkar Construction technology: Tunnels were excavated by using drilling and blasting works, by NMT – (Norwegian Tunnelling Method).…

Power station Kárahjúkar I., Iceland

Client Landsvirkjun (National Power Company), Iceland Superior Contractor FOSSKRAFT J.V., Reykjavík, Iceland Construction period November 2003 – December 2004 Objects description: Kárahjúkar Powerstation KAR 15 with service capacity 690 MW company realized excavation works at construction of underground objects of the underground powerhouse and associated galleries Construction technology: Excavation works were realized by drilling and…